Some tips on how to improve potency

How one thinks it can safely increase potency

Erection capacity in men reaches a maximum around age 20 and then begins to decline gradually. Here are some tips for those facing reduced potency issues.

Causes of Potency Impairment

Before taking any action, if dysfunction is observed, you should determine the reason for the violation of potency. In this case, it is best to contact a specialist who will diagnose and determine the cause of the disease.

Violations of potency can be conditionally divided into two groups - organic and psychological. The first group includes pathological forms caused by organic changes in the reproductive organs, ie age-related changes, lesions or malignancies. The second, more common group includes pathological forms that develop in the context of stress, neurosis, neurasthenia, or other psychological abnormalities.

In the absence of pathology, it is possible to prolong an erection or stimulate libido without the intervention of a doctor and medication. Curiously, most methods of increasing potency are readily available to everyone and require little or no effort or special training. However, most people are afraid to apply "little tricks" in their lives.


Aphrodisiacs have been widely used to stimulate libido and sexual activity since the distant past. Traditional aphrodisiacs are herbal or animal products with unique properties. For example, in France, aphrodisiacs such as chocolate, oysters, and mussels are common, and in China, ginseng, durian, and ginger are common. However, many common foods are aphrodisiacs, including carrots, eggs, honey, nuts, celery, dill, and even pollen.

But the most important thing is not "what to eat" but "how to eat" and "how much to eat" so as not to overdo it and ruin the evening. The best option is to cook a light and tasty dish with aphrodisiac. But keep in mind that most aphrodisiacs are allergens, so you should consider the possibility of allergies when choosing a product.

Fragrance, music and romantic surroundings

Well, the crooked squeaky bed, the noise from the apartment next door, and the smell of the sewer never promoted an increase in sexual activity. However, many men underestimate the role of these factors, arguing that comfort, light aromas, and unobtrusive music don't contribute to potency. This view is wrong, if you want to increase sexual activity and discover new aspects, men should pay attention to creating a romantic atmosphere. It is created individually according to the tastes and preferences of the partners. However, there are general rules, including availability of clean sheets, maintainability of bathrooms, warmth and comfort, total peace and no third parties. "Accessories" for romantic settings include candles, flowers, velvet hearts, rose petals in the bed or bathroom, and even Chinese lanterns. The main thing is to use your imagination and go to great lengths to prepare.

Fragrances should be light, fresh and unobtrusive, another excellent sex enhancer. You can use scented candles, lamps, place fruit or flowers.

For a romantic evening, only that music is suitable, it only causes "love in the heart", and especially does not cause any unease. The music should sound muffled, as if coming from a distance, so that the buddies don't have to yell or be distracted by the song.

Spirituality and Femininity

It is no accident that men "conquer" the hearts of their loved ones with a bottle of wine and a box of chocolates in hand. Mild alcohol intoxication helps to relax the whole body and stimulate libido. But it should be remembered that the evening can be irreversibly spoiled if you don't stop on time. Of course, drinking wine or light spirits in small amounts is recommended.

Perfect to inspire men's sexual activity "femininity", including evening dresses, beautiful lingerie, hairstyles and partner's manicures. Of course, you shouldn't openly say "wear this, put on that" to your loved one. More correctly, after knowing the size, invite your partner to the beauty salon and present clothes and underwear. So you can count on a great evening with a grateful loved one.

Drugs and Dietary Supplements

Unfortunately, most people want to "get it all at once". So, in the event of a pill violation or erectile dysfunction, men run to the nearest pharmacy to buy fantastic "pills" to increase sexual activity. You shouldn't assume that a drug will solve a problem without "rewarding" side effects.

Often, inappropriate use of drugs designed to increase potency can lead to allergies, cardiac ischemia, heart attack or stroke.

Dietary supplements (bioactive additives) are as dangerous as conventional treatments. Supplements advertised by manufacturers focus on the natural ingredients that make up the product. However, dietary supplements can cause allergies, indigestion (diarrhea, gas), and even poisoning. As a result, wanting to increase sexual activity, flirtatious men may be covered in spots or spend the night in the closet.

risk factor

In order to prevent potency "problems" and resume previous activities, several rules are recommended:

  • Don't smoke, limit alcohol, minimize fat, high-calorie food intake, and don't eat fast food.
  • Less stress, avoid stress.
  • exercise.
  • Relax muscles, relieve stress, massage, aromatherapy bath.
  • Have sex on a regular basis.
  • If you have obesity, osteochondrosis or prostatitis - do not delay treatment.
  • Leave work at work, love at home!
  • Following these recommendations will definitely lead to increased sexual activity and improved health.